2018 Emerging Managers Board’s Annual Cocktail

Come meet the next generation of talented local portfolio and fund management entrepreneurs and be part of our quest to make Canada a hub for emerging managers.

Your participation will allow the emerging manager board to foster some relations with the financial community in order to take the first step to revamp our financial entrepreneurial eco-system: click on the link to sign-up for the event.

Thanks in advance for your participation and previous collaboration.

Geneviève Blouin, CFA, CMT, President EMB

The event will take place at the date, time and location below:

Thursday, May 10, 2018 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Musée Mc Cord

690  Sherbrooke W, Montreal, QC H3A 1E9

Free admission

To reserve a place, please fill out the form below:

Formulaire de Réservation 24 Janvier - January 24th RSVP Form

Vous serez présent au prochain Cocktail du CGE, veuillez remplir les champs suivants.

You will be attending the next EMB's cocktail, please fill up the fields below.

Votre Nom (Your Name)
Entreprise (Firm)
Numéro de Téléphone (Phone Number)
Invité 1 (Guest 1)
Entreprise (Firm)
Invité 2 (Guest 2)
Entreprise (Firm)
Invité 3 (Guest 3)
Entreprise (Firm)
Commentaires, instructions ou allergies alimentaires (Comments, instructions or food allergie)
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Merci à nos commanditaires,
Thanks to our sponsors…
