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Sales pitch II : The elevator pitch and the mission statement

October 6, 2021 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

The Emerging Manager Board is pleased to provide a virtual workshop featuring who will provide tips to help attendees grab the attention of potential customers faster than an elevator ride! During this event, we will review the last sales presentation from 20 Aug 2021, in case you have any questions from that meeting. Featured Content:
  • How to draft the Mission and Value Statements for your firm
  • Why it’s so important
  • How to write an Elevator Pitch
  • Understand the fundamentals of communication and sales
  • How to say more in less time 
  • The ingredients for a perfect “Elevator Pitch” 
Speakers: Jillian Bannister, CEO and Co-founder, Ext. Marketing Inc.

As CEO and Co-founder of ext., Jillian is responsible for the company’s operations in Canada and the U.S. At the highest level, Jillian leads ext.’s growth strategy and culture. Drilling down, she is responsible for the day-to-day operations, including staffing, budgets, risk-management, systems and corporate citizenship. Jillian was Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors for Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter and has held senior marketing and sales roles at an early fintech company and Franklin Templeton Investments. Jillian has an Honours Bachelors of Arts from the University of Western Ontario as well as a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics.

Sebastian Cardarelli, Vice-president, Corporate development

Before joining Tonus Capital, Sebastian worked in the Private Wealth Management division for UBS Bank both in Montreal, CA and London, UK. He was responsible for developing lifelong client relationships, managing their investment portfolios, and enhancing the customer experience. Currently, Sebastian is responsible for business development and managing client relationships at Tonus Capital. He is a board member for Lower Canada College (L.C.C.) in Montreal, he sits on the Endowment Board of the YMCA’s of Quebec, and he is also a Sponsorship Director for the Just For Kids Foundation of the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Sebastian has an MBA in Global Financial Management from SDA Bocconi in Milan and a Bachelor’s in Psychology from University of Western Ontario. He also holds the CIM designation and has passed the Canadian Securities Course.

When:  October 6, 2021, 12:00 p.m. 

Where: On-line (a link will be provided a few days before the date of the event)

Cost: Free for our members

Ext. is offering a free pitchbook assessment by our team of experts.  The winner of the draw will receive an 1-hour consultation to share our structure, content and design recommendations.

Fill the form to register

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October 6, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM