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LinkedIn Group Training

Optimize your Linkedln presence Learn how to grow your professional network, attract leads and maximize your brand's visibility with a 90-minute interactive training session that guides you through the platform's best practices and essential tools. After the training, you'll receive a complete optimization guide, a hashtags guide, a content plan, and access to our private […]

Montreal – EMB Holiday Cocktail

Lounge H3 340 Rue De la Gauchetière O 2e étage, Montreal

For the first time ever, we're delighted to be partnering with CAASA, CAIA and AIMA Canada to offer a holiday event in Montreal for our members, these associations and their guests. Come and enjoy a gastronomic and cultural evening to usher in the New Year. REGISTER HERE  

Toronto- EMB – AIMA holiday social & volunteer awards 2024

BMO 1st Canadian Place, 100 King St West, 68 Floor, Toronto

EMB & AIMA Canada are pleased to invite you to our annual holiday social & volunteer awards, as we celebrate the season and our collective milestones with industry peers. This year we are thrilled to invite young professionals at our member firms for a dedicated young professional mixer before opening up for all members. We couldn’t have achieved what […]