Attend to the 2020 CAP INTRO !
Attend to our first virtual Cap Intro! This event will facilitate connections among Institutions, Family Offices, other Investors, leading Fund Managers and you despite the distance !
As before, the virtual Cap Intro event will host some keynote speaker who will share how to successfully raise assets and the One on One meetings for our members, but it will be also the best way for you to have acces to our members in the same time. They are the fastest, most efficient way to connect with industry professionals at a conference during these difficult times.
Date: November 5, 2020
Location: Virtual platform
Preliminary Program:
9:00-9:30 a.m. Testing platform and Networking
9:30-10:30 a.m. Panel Discussion
Emerging Managers Success / Strategies in vogue / Virtual Business Development tips and more!
- Marc-Christopher Lavoie, President of Hexavest
- Mathieu St-Jean, Consultant in Asset Mgmt. & former Manager, CN Pension
10:45-15:00 p.m. 1-on-1 Meetings:
15-min sessions between Allocators and Emerging Managers.
Thanks to our partners…and event sponsor
Register by clicking the link below: